THE CONTROL OF MONEY 169 ECONOMY. That Parliament, charged with controlling so large a sum,, should be careful with it, is a truism. The word "economy*', however, when applied to Government finance, has two distinct meanings. Economy is, in substance, the spending of money and resources in such a way that they will give the greatest possible satisfaction. If the question is put, "Would it be economical to cut down the public services and so reduce taxation?" the point really at issue is this:—Less money will be spent on something the Government provides; it may be armaments, schools, or Old Age Pensions; taxpayers, having to pay less, will spend more on the things that they, as individuals, like—say, books, amuse- ments, or clothes. Fewer men and materials will be employed on making armaments or schools, and more on providing amuse- 1 ments or clothes. Will that be a better use of resources? Will it increase the welfare of the people as a whole ? Will high taxes cause people to save less, and so dry up the flow of capital to industry? Will those who manage industry be less willing to take risks, because part of their profits will be taken by the State? It would certainly be uneconomical to abolish all expenditure on education, in order to reduce the Income Tax; it would equally be uneconomical to increase educational expenditure tenfold at the present time. But apart from these extreme examples, there can be no definite statement of fact about what is economical. The phrase "welfare of the nation as a whole" is vggue; .nations are composed of groups whose interests differ and conflict. When people discus? a proposal to increase Old Age Pensions by heavier taxes on the richer classes they will try to show that it will, or will not, mean a better use of the nation's resources; but they will be strongly influenced by the effect that the scheme is going to have on them. "Economy" in this sense is therefore a question in dispute between parties. There remains a second meaning, more restricted and easier to define. Once it is settled that the State is to carry out a given total