THE ELECTION OF PARLIAMENT 177 the parties were about equal. The party in power cannot in justice use its majority to redistribute to its own advantage, and the problem requires consideration by an all-party Conference. The task of making up the Register of persons entitled to vote is laid on local authorities. Every year the Clerks of Borough and County Councils, acting as Registration Officers* send out forms, which the public are legally required to fill up correctly, and so discover the name of every British subject over 21 who .has lived or occupied business premises in the constituency for the three months ending June ist, or is the husband or wife of anyone possessing the business premises qualification. All these are entitled to vote unless they are certified lunatics, persons convicted of treason or felony, or offences against the Electoral laws, Lords of Parliament, or Scottish non-representative Peers. Members of the Armed Forces or the merchant service do not have to fulfil the residence qualification, and all persons whose occupation makes it likely that they will be elsewhere when the Election comes can get their names put on the Absent Voters* List so that a Ballot Paper can be sent them by post. On July isth the Registration Officers publish the list of voters and from then till the end of the month persons who think that they ought, or that someone else ought not, to be included, can send in their objections. Everyone who wishes to vote is well-advised to inspect the list at the Town Hall or Post Office during this period, and the agents of political parties do their best to see that all their known supporters are properly included. The Registra- tion Officer then meets the agents and others who may be interested and settles the objections; the final list comes into force on October I5th. The Register used to be made up twice a year but in 1926 a single yearly Registration was introduced in order to save money. Consequently people who move to a new constituency may find that some time will elapse before they get on the Register. When a by-election occurs shortly before October I5th, it may be that as many as 25% of the voters have left the constituency and much effort is expended by party