THE ELECTION OF PARLIAMENT 185 with first-hand knowledge of controlling large businesses or estates; in the Labour Party many with experience of a wage- earner's life; in all parties, lawyers, journalists, doctors and people from academic life. In some debates this becomes very plain and Members are inclined to think of their own professional and industrial interests to the neglect of other workers. Here, indeed, lies the chief defect of the functional plan—that it would aggravate the sectional spirit When the miners are electing their representatives, one candidate might say, "I recognise the problems and needs of our industry; but on this or that point we should not press our case; there are other workers to be considered." The electors would be inclined to reply "That is true; but they elect their representatives to look after their interests; we must choose someone who will press for our interests all the time; for if we do not, no one else will." Human beings are not unconquerably selfish; but the effect of a functional system of election would be to encourage selfishness. Functional, or "Corporative" Assemblies are frequently advocated by Fascists, who answer this objection by saying that the Government would see that each group in the Assembly remembered the over-riding interests of the State. But if the Government controls the Assembly, the Assembly does not control the Government; it is not a Sovereign body but can only advise the Government, which must either be elected from geographical constituencies or not at all. Put in this way, the functional system is merely a device to shift power out of the hands of the people. Experience bears this out; the Corpora- tions of Italy in no sense enable the people to control the Government; they are pieces of machinery through which an . unelected Government controls the people. PROGRESS OF AN ELECTION. It does not appear, therefore, that any decisive case has been r made against the present system of constituencies. But before the results can be called satisfactory the progress of an election