I9O THE BRITISH APPROACH TO POLITICS As he leaves the station, the party workers will ask him what his number on the Register is; thus lists of those whcfhave voted are compiled, and sent to party Committee Rooms, where the workers concentrate on sending messages to known supporters who have not yet voted. The secrecy of the Ballot is rigidly preserved; many voters announce their sympathies openly, but none is obliged to do so. A voter may refuse to answer a canvasser; he may even promise to vote for Mr. Y., ride to the poll in the car of one of Mr. Y's friends and there vote for Mr. Z. and no one will be the wiser. There is a number on his voting paper but it is not the number against his name in the voting register. That latter number (the "polling number") will be pencilled by the Presiding Officer on the counterfoil of his voting paper. So a comparison of voting-papers, counterfoils and register would reveal each voter's choice; these documents, however, are only brought together when it is proved that unqualified people have secured votes by impersonating someone else, and a legal scrutiny is demanded. University Constituencies, where most voting is by post, still have an open Ballot, and the voter signs his name on the Ballot Paper. The candidate spends Polling Day touring the constituency, encouraging his workers. When the poll has dosed, interest shifts to the Town Hall or other public building where the votes are counted. This is done under the supervision of the Returning Officer, while the candidate and the people whom he has appointed scrutineers, are alert to see that no mistakes are made, and to argue about spoiled papers. A paper is spoilt if the voter has put on it other marks than those legally required, or has marked it so clumsily that his intention is not dear. The final decision, whether a paper is spoilt, is made by the Returning Officer or his deputy. If the first count shows only a small majority, there will be recounts, till, in the early morning, the Returning Officer declares the final result. Winners and losers make short speeches to the /crowd assembled outside, and the election is complete,