CHAPTER XIV GOVERNMENT BY THE PEOPLE Democracy Effects of Democracy Growth of Fascism Policy of Fascism Communism Fascism and Communism Contrasted Conclusion Now that the survey of Legislature and Central Executive is complete, the essential nature of British Government appears* The source of the power wielded by the King and his Ministers has been traced to Parliament and thence to the people Britain is therefore classed among the democracies of the world, and so distinguished from the Communist U.S.S.R., the great Fascist States, Germany and Italy, and a number of smaller States where various forms- of Government prevail which the people cannot criticise or change at will. For the proper under- standing of British democracy, a digression of some length will be necessary, comparing the democratic, Fascist and Communist philosophies. What is the exact nature of democracy? Is it fully realised in Britain? What explains the recent rise of anti- democratic Governments and ideas? DEMOCRACY. There are five signs by which a democracy can be recognised. Pirst9 that ill adults should have an equal share in choosing the' people who are to carry on the Government. The power of the House of Lords and the unequal size of Parliamentary