256 THE BRITISH APPROACH TO POLITICS mended by the Cadogan Committee. There are, however, many measures which may be taken to see that the offender is under proper care for the future. Often it will be enough to remind the parents of their duty, or require them to deposit a sum of money as security for their child's good behaviour. Much use is made of the system of probation, which is chiefly intended for juveni?* and appears to be more successful in preventing repetition o* crime, than any other method. If the offence has been grave, or" the control at home is judged unsatisfactory, the offender may be sent to an approved school for three years or more. Finally, any court which has found a person between sixteen and twenty-one years of age guilty of an indictable offence, and liable to fall into serious criminality, may send him to a Borstal institution for two or three years. The life is planned to resemble that of a school, with a strong bias towards manual training and outdoor life; it succeeds in turning about three-quarters of the pupils into good citizens. PRINCIPLES OF REFORM. Despite the shortcomings which have been mentioned, English penal and reformative methods havet greatly improved in the last 120 years. Penal reforms are usually made much kter than they ought to be because so large a proportion of the people do not get sent to prison, and find anxiety enough in the problems of ordinary life. The question is sometimes put, why bother so much about those who bxeak the kw? Would it not be better to give attention to improving the life of honest people? There arfe several answers, the most obvious of which is that it is quite possible to deal with both problems* Further, it is cheaper to reform the criminal at an early stage than to keep him in prison at intervals for most of his life. On deeper consideration, it becomes dear that a community that is callous towards its criminals lowers its moral standards, and will be less alert to Detect cruelty and injustice in other spheres. Careful study of i^ie reasons why people break the law, often reveals the law