METHODS AND PROBLEMS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT 31! to international trade. Even this proposition must be stated with caution; the number of women in industry is growing, and trade policies affect the cost of housekeeping. As the facts now stand, however, it is correct to emphasise the greater prominence of women in local, than in Central Government. The connection has been mutually advantageous; the local authorities have received valuable help, and the woihen have been able to demonstrate their capacity for politics. It is regrettable that many local authorities still have no women—or very few—among their numbers. OFFICERS. The scope and complexity of local Government make it essential that the elected Councillor should be assisted by a paid staff which may be divided into three groups. There is first the Clerk and the Treasurer, who, with their subordinates, form the Civil Service of the Town or County Hall. Their work brings them into contact with every department of local Government; by them records are kept, correspondence conducted, and the local Budget prepared. Someone must do this,work for every authority, though in most Parishes it will not provide full time employment, and in some there may be no paid official at all. The second group comprises those with special kno\$edge of. one department, e.g., the Director of Education, the Electrical Engineer, the Surveyor. Under the direction of each of t&ese, is an administrative staff, and teachers, works managers, and other specialised workers, not in such direct contact with the local authority. It is difficult to say whether the Medical Officer of Health should be placed in the first or second of these groups. He is certainly a specialist, a doctor by profession, with a consider- able technical staff under him. But there are so many activities in his field, that he is in constant contact with the whole Council administration. Thirdly, there are manual workers, skilled or unskilled—builders, dusrmen, tramdrivers, labourers, many of whom have not a definite status, but move between public and