324 THE BRITISH APPROACH TO POLITICS and manages much property, both within its own borders and elsewhere. The City itself, and some of the City Companies control secondary schools; but this is not comparable to the ordinary local education service. The schools are Public Schools, they are not within the City boundaries, and they draw their pupils from a wide area. The sanitation of the Port of London, and the markets near the City come under the Council's control. The City is certainly a local Government area, but it is much more; it is a separate institution within the State, charged with functions which it has collected throughout its history, and which, through the prestige and power of its citizens, it has been able to retain. £iany ceremonies illustrate its dignity—the King formally obtaining the City's consent before entering its confines, the Prime Minister speaking at the Guildhall Banquet held after the election of the Lord Mayor, the annual pageant of the Lord Mayor's Show. The Lord Mayor himself occupies a position similar in nature to that of ordinary Mayors, but surpassing theirs as the Mansion House surpasses a Town Hall. He is particularly noticeable as a contributor to, and organiser of charitable funds, such as that for refugees in China. Under his auspices, civic functions are arranged to do honour to distinguished people. In time past, particularly in the reigns of Charles I and George III, the City played a notable part in asserting the rights of the commercial community, and the liberties of citizens against attempts at royal despotism. Now that the struggle against the Crown is over, the City is a staunch supporter of the Conservative Party; there are no more such spectacles as occurred in 1771 when the Lord Mayor was conveyed to the Tower by order of a Government subservient to the King, to return thence in state amid the cheers of the people. ^ THE^LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. During the greater part of the last century, the districts outside the City were ruled each by its own Vestry or Board, and these bodies sent members to a.Metropolitan Board of Works/