530 THE BRITISH APPROACH TO POLITICS Although the full title of the Committee is Housing and Public Health, its functions in the latter sphere are limited; the Metro- politan Boroughs are sanitary authorities, and two of the most important health duties of the L.C.C. are discharged by other committees. The main sewers are under the control of the Fire Brigade and Main Drainage Committee., whose other duty has recently been brought into prominence by the opening of the new Fire Brigade Headquarters. The Hospitals and Medical Services Committee now controls 75 per cent, of all the hospital beds in London, and about half of London's babies are born in the Maternity Homes of the L.C.C. and the Metropolitan Boroughs. The County is able to deal, more effectively than the Boroughs, with the building of hospitals, the training of nurses, the development of research, and special problems such as the sanatorium treatment of tuberculosis. It is the statutory duty of the Committee to assess the means of patients, and decide what they can pay; about 10 per cent, of the cost of treatment is thus recovered. No charge, however, is made in cases of tuberculosis. A separate Committee deals with Mental Hospitals, which contain over thirty thousand patients. The Welfare of the Blind Cotftmittee maintains homes and workshops, and provides employment for blind people working in their own homes. Further contribution is made to public safety by the Entertain- ments Committee, which ensures that cinemas and other places of amusement are properly planned and equipped to deal with the danger of fire. This committee must also approve the type of entertainment that is^to be given. The Public Control Committee is for the most part an agency of the Central Government, collecting motor licences, enforcing the Shops Acts, and the Acts dealing with the storage of explosives. DEVELOPMENT. Most of the difficulties of London Government are due to the haphazard growth of the town. Three Committees—those for Highways, for Parks, and for Town Planning, are concerned