COMMONWEALTH 371 ten years ruled the country. Mr. De Valera's followers reorganised themselves as the Fianna Fail (Comrades of Destiny) Party, and became a legal opposition. They drew support from those whose hostility to the British connection was strongest, and came in time to represent the interests of the less wealthy farmers. In 1932 they won an election, and Mr. De Valera proceeded to sever the links that tied the Free State to Britain. His work reached its climax in the promulgation of a new Constitution which came into force at the end of 1937, and in accordance with which the Dominion is now'governed. By this Constitution, the name of the State is Eire (Ireland) and it is declared to include the whole country, though the authority of its Government is not to extend to Northern Ireland until an agreement with that Province is obtained.. Thus is expressed Mr. De Valera's aspiration for a united Ireland in the future. A President, elected directly by the people1 for a seven year term, appoints the Prime Minister and approves the tetter's choice of Ministers, all of whom must be members of the Oireachtas (Parliament). This body has two Houses—Dail Eireann (Assembly of Ireland) elected in the usual manner, and the Seanad (Senate) of sixty members, eleven nominated by the President, and the remainder elected. If the Senate and one third of the Dail object to a Bill, the President may if he wishes refuse his assent until a Referendum or a new election has been held. The President can also ask the Supreme Court to give an opinion on any Bill which he considers contrary to the Constitution, and if they hold it to be unconstitutional, it will not become law. The President has thus powers which distinguish him from the King in Britain, or Governors-General in the other Dominions. On some matters, he must consult a Council of State before acting, but is not bound by their advice. Some of the members of this Council are appointed by the President, others are members ex-officio. The Oath of Allegiance had previously been abolished, 1 In May, 3^38, Dr. Douglas Hyde was elected unopposed as the first President under the new Constitution,