388 THE BRITISH APPROACH TO POLITICS recent growth, and there are many States with far less experience. The Health Organisation of the League, by collecting statistics and arranging exchange visits between public servants of difierent nationalities, pools the available knowledge. Men and women engaged in medical research are put into touch with their fellow- workers. When new ideas are being tested, the results of experi- ments throughout the world can be tabulated. Unnecessary repetition of work by different scientists, ignorant of each other's progress, can be avoided. The Organisation has been of great value to nations with undeveloped health services; nor has the gain been confined to them. A people whose health is undermined by tuberculosis will have a low standard of life and be but a poor market for other nations. The knowledge of how to fight malaria brings into mankind's use regions previously uninhabitable. The conquest of cholera, plague and other diseases which can be borne by ships, is the concern of all. Through the Health Organ- isation quarantine rules have been made more effective. The Eastern Bureau of the Organisation, at Singapore, receives weekly information from some 160 ports round the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and news of any outbreak is spread at once throughout this area. The Coipmittee of Intellectual Co-operation similarly connects workers in every field of science and art. The results of different educational methods can be compared in the light of collected evidence. Some progress has been made with a difficult and important problem—the revision of school history-books so that they shall not present to the rising generation false accounts calculated to keep old hatreds alive. The social and economic work of the League has been utilised to great effect in China. The Government of General Chiang Kai-Shek has many defects; but over great areas it wages increasingly successful war against floods and disease, and was reorganising the finances of the State. Throughout this work, now hampered by the war with Japan, experts appointed by the economic and social organisations assist the Government,