TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY CHAPTER I 1. Aristotle held that the purpose of the State was to secure the good life; Marx held that it was to preserve the privileges of the governing class. Compare these two views. 2. Should the citizen always obey his Government? 3. What economic and historical facts influence the Govern- ment of Britain? 4. What problems, other than those given in this chapter, illustrate the need for change? CHAPTER II 1. Consider the constitution of any foreign State, or of any voluntary society, and enquire "where Sovereignty lies, 2. What advantages has despotic Government as compared with the Rule of Law? 3. Would you consider the following acts unconstitutional? (a) A General Strike, or a closing-down of factories by employers, in order to make the Government change its policy. (fc) A refusal by pacifists to pay taxes for military purposes, (c) The passing of a law depriving people with less than £500 a year, of the night to vote. 4. Collect from newspapers, etc., further examples of Sovereignty of Parliament and the Rule of Law. CHAPTER III 1. Consider the arguments for and against Monarchy. 2. What does the phrase "loyal to the King" mean? 3. Collect instances from history of the influence on policy of the personal wishes of the Kiig or Queen, 409