412 THE BRITISH APPROACH TO POLITICS CHAPTER XIV 1. Does the democratic element in British Government operate against efficiency? 2. What type of man achieves power ii^/a dictatorship and in a democracy, respectively? 3. Is it true that freedom to criticise and disagree leads to chaos? 4. Compare the attitudes of democracy, communism and fascism towards international affairs. CHAPTER XV 1. Discuss possible improvements in the method of appointing J.P.S. 2. Is an amateur magistracy desirable? 3. Study Press reports of judgments given in the High Court, and of summings-up in criminal trials. CHAPTER XVI 1. Discuss, with the help of a lawyer, the ways in which justice could be made cheaper. 2. Debate Capital Punishment and the treatment of prisoners. 3. Should there be any limits on what may be said or published? 4. Draft regulations for securing order at public meetings without injuring liberty. CHAPTER XVII 1. Discover the nature, powers and boundaries of the local Government authorities in your own area. What alterations might be desirable? 2. What matters ought the inhabitants of (a) a large town, and (6) a village to be allowed to decide for themselves, inde- pendently of any greater authority? CHAPTER XVIII 1. What is the purpose of education? 2. Discuss the project of secondary education for all. 3. Discuss, with the help of a local Government officer, the possibilities of town- or couritry-planning in your area, , 4. Consider the policy of differential rents.