INDEX .bdication, Act of, 1936,20,36,361 bsent Voters, 177 byssinia, 62, 389, 399-400 \d hoc Authorities, 279, 285, 297, 3i8,334 ddison, Dr. C, 109, 295 djournment, House of Commons, 145 dnunistrative Grade, Civil Service, 74 .dministrative Law, 23-26, 81 dmiralty Board of, 98, 261 „ , First Lord of, 56, 58, 70,98 dmiralty Division, 240-241 doptive Acts, 318 frica, 75, 340, 35*, 354~355> 367-369, 376, 378, 389 frikaans, 368 griculture, Ministry of, 55, 57, 107-110,n 8, 304 ir Force, 99, 398 „ Raid Precautions, 92, 316, 319 „ , Secretary for, 56,99 Idermen, 272,276, 323, 325 Ifred, King, 5 Isace-Lorraine, 386 mbassadors, 65, 95-96,149, 375 nalyst. Public, 282 narchism, 8 ngio-Indians, 347 nne, Queen, 40 nti-Communist Pact, 379, 401 ppeal, Court of, 238,239,245-247, 252 ^ ppropnation Act, 161,163 pproved Societies, 103,122 rabs, 355-356, 382, 389 rchbishops, 46, 65, no, 129,134 risiocracy, 15 ristotle, 15-16 rmed Forces, 6-7, 24, 39, 55, 85, 9°> 93> 9$~ioi, 162,168,177,201, 216, 264, 274, 382, 397 Army, 50,98-99 „ and Air Force Act, 26, 259 Arthur, Prince, 35 Aryans, 342 Asiatics, 352,362,366,376,378,394 Assembly, League of Nations, 383- 3843 391-392, 395, 396 Assessment, 301 Assizes, 237, 241 Attaches, 95 Attainder, 246 Attendance Officers, 286 Atdee, C. R., 36 Attorney-General, 62,243, 246, 258 Auditors, 120, 306-307 Auditor-General, 170 Australia, 48, 340, 356, 359, 360, 363-366, 374 Austria, 7,15, 382, 384, 387, 395 Auxiliary Organisations, 383, 390 Avenol, Al, 390 Bagehot, W., 32, 49-50,180 Bahrein Islands, 71 Balance of Power, 381-382 Baldwin, S. (later Lord), 36-37, 41, 57>6i Balkans, 15-16 Baltic, 384, 385 Baluchistan, 350 Bank of England, 88, 171, 173-174 Baths, public, 282, 306, 333 Beckenham, 276 Belgium, 218 Bermondsey, 334 Bethnal Green, 176 Birkenhead, Lord, 62, 252 Birmingham, 278, 304 Bishops, 46,129,134 Black Rod, 143 Black Sea, 384 Blind, 330 Boers, 367-368 415