600 IIYDROTm-'R APY [VOL. vi Climacteric arthritis able limits. Nearl> all osteoarthntic persons trei|ucntim'. spas habitually eat loo much. Careful iciuilaliou of the diet, more especially as regards the quantity, will spare the patient am uiineeessaiy metabolic burdens. Any physical measures nuclei taken should be directed to maintain the function of the joints. For this reason spas \\ith pool baths should be recommended for such eases. In mcnopausul arthritis, which is often associated with an increase in the bodily weight, the various physical methods of treatment available at the spas are of great value. (h) Sitiltihlc S/w Ruxtim Buxton, about 1,000 feet above the sea-level, is the highest spa in F.ngland. The air is very bracing. The wateis are tepid (K.T F.) and of feeble mincrali/ation. They contain a comparatively large amount of nitrogen which, although inert, carries the radium emanation to which therapeutic properties are ascribed. Taken internally the waters are diuretic. Fxternally they are employed in pool baths and massage-douches. Buxton possesses a very complete physiotherapeutie installation. Droitwich Droilwich. The brine baths of this spa pioduee theii ell eel as follows: (i) The natural buoyancy of the water enables the patients to move their stiflencd limbs through ranges otherwise impossible, the support- ing action of brine, being much greater than that of ordinary water, (ii) The surface action or stimulation of the skin promotes free and copious sweating and increases the circulation in the superficial capil- laries and lymphatics, (iii) The hot baths have the ellecls described on page 577. Actfiii Acqui (Northern Italy). Treatment here is chiefly confined to the application of fango packs. Fango is an organic mud obtained from deposits round the thermal springs. Aachen Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany). The springs belong to the thermal alkaline muriated sulphur group. The large pool bath is the outstand- ing feature of the treatment here. Hotels and bathing establishments in many instances are combined under one roof. Aix-ks-Bains Aix-les-Bains (France) is almost entirely a bathing spa. The Aix massage douche is given with water obtained from two hot sulphur springs. The water holds in suspension whitish Hakes of oily organic nature which make it a very suitable medium for massage. Baden-Baden Baden-Baden (Germany) has about twenty simple thermal muriated springs and a particularly fine bathing establishment, Budapest Buda Pest (Hungary) possesses an almost unlimited supply of simple thermal and thermal sulphur water, mostly used for bathing. There arc also some thermal mud pools. Dax Dax (France). The mud employed in the baths is formed by the action of the thermal water on the banks of mud left by the periodical over- flowing of the river. Pistany Pistany (Czechoslovakia). The thermal springs arise from a depth of several hundred feet from a large enclosed basin filled with sulphur