THE BRONTfiS 43 readers feel what she was feeling ; but it was Life which taught her that, not books, nor her ten years and more of day-dreaming in Angria. Precocious, in a narrow literary and intellectual sense, she certainly was, but at the same time, as a thinking, feeling human being she was sur- prisingly backward. Yet not perhaps surprisingly, when it is considered how little contact she, or her brother and sisters, had with any world out- side their home. " In the little moorland village where we reside/' as Charlotte described Haworth. in one of her early letters, there was no social life for the children. They had no playmates except one another ; Branwell mixed with village boys - that could not be prevented - but it would not have been proper for the Parsonage young ladies to play with villagers. Neither Mr. Bronte's nor Miss Branwell's outlook could have been enliven- ing nor the occasional visits to Uncle and Aunt Fennell and Aunt Franks nor parish functions much of a corrective to life's everyday poverty. Indeed, Charlotte's immense literary output in childhood and girlhood, as much in volume as all her published novels, is the most pathetic monu- ment to the dull monotony of her actual life in these periods and to the lack of opportunities for natural human development which she and her brother and sisters had at Haworth. The grasp and management of political and social doings which the Anglian literature shows, the historical development of policy and ambitions, the attention paid throughout to exact details of intricate family relationship, in short all the evidence contained