THE BRONTES 97 autumn of 1843, after a wretched August and September during which time, the whole house- hold being away on their holidays. Charlotte, more forlorn than ever, wandered about Brussels " trying to get a clearer acquaintance with the streets/5 and once was so overcome by her loneli- ness that she, an ultra Protestant, sought the con- solation of outpouring in a confessional in Ste. Gudule. The school re-assembled ; the Belgian hubbub in which Charlotte took no interest - in- deed, it desolated her - started again. Unable to bear it any longer, Charlotte gave Mme. Heger notice to leave. M. Heger would not hear of it; there was evidently a scene out of which Char- lotte drew enough comfort to stay on. But by Christmas, her misery had festered again : M. Heger probably had not been able to manifest continuously the warm, if not heated, concern of his manner during the October interview* Char- lotte packed up her boxes and left the day after New Year's Day. " I suffered much before I left" Brussels/' she wrote to Ellen. " I think, however long I live I shall not forget what the parting with M. Heger cost me ; it grieved me so much to grieve him who has been so true and disinterested a friend. ..." " There are times now/3 she con- tinued,