THE COCHIN STATE POLITICAL CONFERENCE (TRICHUR : 20TH NOV. 1937) Dr. Paltabhi Sitaramayya's Presidential Address FRIENDS, I come to you less on your invitation aiKirtflij^Je of my own accord. It is a part of my progranup^SSpresit as many States in India as possible in coruj^dMp^with the States' work that I have undertaken. IlG*rtucky *hat ^bis long- eherished desire of mine should nave found a reflection in your decision to invite me to preside over your political conference. Under the circumstances I need make no apology for coming here to-day. If for nothing else it is the duty of a follower of the Mithakshara Law under the Patriarchal State to visit a part of the country which is adjacent to his own but which follows a Matriarchal State j under a Mannakatayam Law, The Malayalese and our- selves, as Andhras, had lived side by side with each other for years together in jails and during our College days also' earlier we lived side by side with the Tamils and the Kanarese and the Oriyas without realising the vast differ- ences in customs and manners which subsist between .Malayalese and the rest of the country. I am free ttf confess that it is only latterly when all of us assembled once again under the hospitable roof of His Majesty in tJbje penitentiaries of Vellore and elsewhere that We had the time and leisure to study these systems in detail. And aftc^r and years spent in the company of friends from