for the peace of mind which could have allowed me to enjoy having tea out in the garden on fine after- noons. But it was no use trying to dope my disquiet with Trollope's novels or any of my favourite books. The purgatory I'd let myself in for always came be- tween me and the pages; there was no escape for me now. Walking restlessly about the garden at night I was oppressed by the midsummer silence and found no comfort in the twinkling lights along the Weald. At one end of the garden three poplars tapered against the stars; they seemediike sentries guarding a prison- er. Across the uncut orchard grass. Aunt Evelyn's white beehives glimmered in the moonlight like bones. The hives were empty, for the bees had been wiped out by the Isle of Wight disease. But it was no good moping about the garden. I ought to be indoors im- proving my mind, I thought, for I had returned to Butley resolved to read for dear life—circumstances having made it imperative that I should accumulate as much solid information as I could. But sedulous study only served to open up the limitless prairies of my ignorance, and my attention was apt to wander away from what I was reading. If I could have been candid with myself I should have confessed that a fortnight was inadequate for the completion of niy education as an intellectual pacifist. Reading the last few num- bers of Markington's weekly was all very well as a tonic for disagreeing with organized public opinion, but even if I learnt a whole article off by heart I should only have built a little hut on the edge of the prairie. "I must have all the arguments at my fingers9 ends," I had thought when I left London. The argu- ments, perhaps, were epitomized in TyrrelPs volume of lectures ("given to me by the author," as I had written on the fly-leaf). Nevertheless those lectures on 597