for the troops, who quite enjoyed their outing. But their feet got soft during the journey from Egypt and the hardening process is painful! May 18. Have just been down the lane to see the Company Sergeant-Major about the armourer in- specting^rifles. I feel very paternal when I watch the men sitting about outside their barn—gobbling stew out of canteen-lids, scribbling letters, chattering and smoking or lying asleep in the long grass under the apple-trees, while blankets are spread out everywhere to dry and old shirts and socks hung on currant bushes after being washed. The two company cooks, begrimed and busy with the "cooker"., and the orderly sergeant making a list of something on a packing-case. (The Quartermaster's stores are in our yard.) Some of them look up as I pick my way among them. I think they begin to realize that I am doing my best for them. I am now "censoring55 some of their letters, so I will transcribe a few typical extracts. 1. "Well, lad, this is a top-hole country, some difference to Palestine. It gives a chap a new inside to see some fields and hedges again. Just like old Blighty! , . . There is great talk of leave just now. In fact a party goes tomorrow. Time-expired men first. I'm a duration man. What hopes! Never mind, Cheer-oh!" 2. "Well dear I dont sea any sighn of my leave but if we dont get it soon it will be a grate dis- apointment to us all for we all expected to get one when we came to England." 3. "The weather has been lovely since I came here; we are nowhere near the line yet. I've been going to the doctor these last few days, sore feet, so all I do now