$6!i THE GORSICAN getting posM»uiion of that point, to make for the Berezina. 20th, Oreha : We have found here about 00 guns that nre quitt* use-leas to UH. My health is excellent, I huve no new.* from Marshal Ncy; I have given him up. I have two hundred million* in my cellar*; I would give all of it for Ney! Baran: My anxiety alxmt Ney ha* pawed; he* ha* ju*t joined us, Slat. We have no map*. «8tl, Bohr: (To Berthier.) Bend an aides-de-camp to thr Dulct* of Reggio to It'll him that I am impatient to hear front him in the eourw of to-night that hf control* ft pawmge over thu Ik'rexina and that he in throwing hritijten, £4th, (To Brrthier.) Order (tt*ne,r«l Xnyonrhrk to transfer H(K) horw.H, and more if hf can, to (trnrmt Hor» bitir. If this draft is not madr* when I pn*s tu-morrow I shall order twr.ry earringf ami trwfwjwrt wagtm of his cor|)H to t>c burnt. General Dombrownki* who hf Id the bridgr of B«rim»f» allowed hw ponition to Iw, fort^d on thr €t»t. TKr Duke of Reggio arrived on the t3il» itn^apturect ttw t*ity, and defeated the two Rumuan divisions that wrrr thrre. But the bridge i* burnt; wa hope to build aimlhrr tt^-dsy, Tin* weather in cold, I am aucioux to pet news from Vtltta from Faria,glers, The Cossacks have turned to a'ccount our absolute want of cavalry and of artillery to harass u« and cut our communications, so that I am most anxious about Marshal Ney, who stayed behind with 3000 men to blow up Smolensk.