14 And the words which the lord of the prophetic asylum, Muhammed, addressed to All: •' I and All proceed from one light; thy flesh is my Qesh, and thy body ** is my body." have this meaning: that the purity and energy of the bodily parts were collected in the prophets and the saints ; and from them the bodies of Muhammed and Ali were kneaded, in such a manner that the chosen parts of Muhammed's and Ali's bodies being conjoined and mixed together, the person of Mah- mud was formed. SECTION II.—AN ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THEIR TENETS. —The author of this book heard from a person who was one of the safd, " pure" Durvishes, from the Durvish Bakai Vahed, from the Durvish Ismail, and from Mizza Taki, from Shaikh Latef ilia, and Shaikh Shahab, who belonged to the Imana, what follows: Any single person is a being which longs after earth; but other elements also exist with an abhorrence of earth. These sectaries consider the sun as the spirit of fire, and call it the Kabah of worship, the fire-temple of obedience to the holy being. Hakim Khakani says : " 0 Kabah of the traveller of heaven, " 0 zemzem,l sacred well of fire to the world." 1 Zemzem is the name of a famous well at Mecca. According to the