16 one place, wJiere * they experience no dispersion, although the conformation of the body rnay be dis- joined; whether in the producing of a mineral, a vegetable, an animal, or a man.*' They do not agree upon the existence of a rational unsubstan- tial soul. They know of no heaven without the elements, and believe the necessary original prin- ciple to be a point of earth. Instead of Bismilla hirrehma nirrehim, " in the name of the bountiful and merciful God," they write " Istedin ba ne fseg t6 illazi la illah M, " I assist myself of thy essence which alone is God ;" and instead of Idysa kamsil- lah shay a, " nothing is like it;" they say Ana merkeb almabin, " I am the vehicle of him who explains tbe 64 truth," SECTION III.—UPON SOME OF THE SAYINGS OF VA'HED. —TheMzdn, " balance," is a book which Vahed composed with many others; it is distinguished by the word naskh and c< treatise;" and each naskh and 1 In the translation of this obscure passage between the two asterisks (edit, of Calcutta, p 375, 1. 17, 18) I followed the manuscript of Oude, which reads a little differently: s>*