19 Poises are due to the man devoted to this state, whose whole life is spent in holiness, poverty, and retirement; who feels no inclination for connexion; takes little, and no more than necessary, food; such a man will rise to perfection, and become ac c vahed," attaining the divine dignity which leads to that of a tc teacher." If the pious person feels himself in- clined to connexion with a woman, let him enjoy her once in his whole life; if he cannot otherwise, once in one year; if he requires more, once in forty days; if this be not enough, once in a month; if still more, once in a week. A vahed is reported to have given the following information: When one descends from the state of a man to the state of an irrational animal, or from that to a vegetable, or from a vegetable becomes a mineral; in this manner, by reaction of impressions and dispositions, he receives in each state a mark (mahs), which he bears from formation to forma- tion: " Fear the intelligence of the believer, because he sees by the light " of God." Pir or Shaikh. One of the most celebrated orders was that founded in the year of the Hejira 37 (A. D. 657) by Uweis Kami, a native of JETarn, in Yemen. The most distinguished in the. Ottoman empire are thirty- two in number, founded between the years of the Hejira i49 and 1164 (A. D. 776 and 1750). Three of them, descend from the congregation of Abu bekr, and the rest from that of AJUL—fSee Tableau gtintfral de I'Em- pire othoman, tome IVme, lre partie, par d'Ohsson, p. 617 et seq.)