to his creed, he heard the following speech from him: u One day, when during the M'aheram they '* read the history of the martyrdom of Hossein, and " he too (Hossein Khan) was weeping, Shah Abas " said: ' You, why do you cry, as if it were the " ' Shdmlus (that is to say, the natives of Sham) who " * did the action?' The answer was : c We do not < * « cry on account of Hossein : but because from our u * number also fine youths were killed/ " 44 With the same eyes with which you look on us, 4i With the same eyes is it, that we look on you." The Duniahs, a particular sect, so called in the language of the Imanahs, think slightly of Hossein. On account of their meanness, they made no pro- gress in the religion of MahrmidL Azizi, one of the Musehnans of Shiraz, told the author of this book in Lahore : *' I once reviled Mahmxid; at night I saw 14 him in a dream; he approached me with a light- " ning-flashing face, and said: * Hast thou perused " * my works?' I answered, * I have.' He sub- " joined : * Why dost thou speak abusively of me? " ' If thou per severest in this manner, I will chas- ".' lise thee.' " It is reported by the Vahadis, that Khajah Hafiz of Shiraz professed also this creed. As Mahmiid. dwelt a long time upon the border of the river Rii- dares, the Khajah said: '* 0 zephir t when thou passest over the border of Rudures,