59 be accounted to have the nature of a wolf, tiger, ser- pent, or scorpion. The Arabian prophet has said: " Kill a harmful creature before it causes harm." If such a person is well-behaved, and says pray- ers, he has the disposition of an ox, or sheep, and to kill him is lawful. On that account he ordered his self-conceited adversaries to be killed, as they were to be regarded as brute beasts; thus it is stated in the Koran: " They are like brute beasts, nay worse." He said: whoever does not know himself, and has no notion of eternal life, and everlasting existence, is dead, and the property of a dead man, whose heirs are also as the dead, reverts to the living. On that account he ordered also the killing of the ignorant. When he found a Hindu knowing himself, he valued him higher than a Muselman. He and his sons prac- tised for some time highway robbery. Of the wealth which he took from the Muselmans and others, he deposited the fifth part in a store-house, and when it was wanted, he distributed it among the most deserving people. He and his sons kept themselves ail remote from adultery, lewdness, and unbecoming actions, as well as from despoiling the Unitarians of their property, and refrained from using violence towards those who saw but one God. He composed a great number of works in the