77 4i place were to be admitted, the forms of the stars fc 4 above would be preferable. If it be objected, that 44 this cannot be free from the detestable suspicion i; of paganism, whilst, certainly, a place among C4 others having been fixed, which place, by distinc- t4 tion from them all, presents itself to them as kC particular, a predilection for it appeared proper. c' In like manner, after a computation of dimensions, 4£ geometricians and mathematicians determine a '• place which, with respect to the objects and u points of a space, bears the same relation as the u centre to a circle; then, without doubt, every " portion of the circumference will have its particu- 1 w lar relative situation with respect to the point of *' the centre; certainly^ in consequence of this ar- * * rangement, all places so determined become refer- u able to this particular place, and among the other 44 places, shall be worthy of predilection." To this may be ansivered: " This opinion agrees not with " the ideas of many distinguished persons; for a 44 great number confers upon the site of another 4 fc place the attribute of being the middle, and distin- 4< guish it as such; which is evident from the books " of the institutes of Brahma and of others, and by ** the necessity of pronouncing benedictions there. " This also cannot be free from the suspicion of " paganism: because one may suppose that God, 44 the All-Just, is represented in the house, or is a