78 *4 body, on which account people call it' the house %' ' of God." If it be so, or if the Kabah be situ- '4 ated in the midst of a country, other prophets may " have chosen another place, such as the holy house " (of Jerusalem), and the like; but this is but by " error; thus it happened—that, at first, the lord * * Muhamined did not offer his prayers at the Kabah. " Since therefore the detestable suspicion of pagan- 44 ism rests upon all the worship of stone, earth, and 4 ' bodies, then water, fire, and the planets, are objects " more proper to be honored; and if a centre be " desired, let it be the sun in the midst of the seven " heavens. In like manner objectionable is the " sacrifice of animals, and the interdiction of what 4 c may be proper for the food of men, and the admit- " ting thereof by one prophet to be lawful what is u forbidden by another. Thus, if it be not right to 46 eat pork, why was it permitted by Jesus? if it 6 * was interdicted on account of pollution in conse- 44 quence of the animal's feeding upon unclean and " nasty things, so the cock is objectionable for the " same reasons. Similar to these are most other (* commands, and contrary to the precepts of reason. £ * But the greatest injury comprehended in a pro- *' phetic mission is the obligation to submit to one '' like ourselves of the human species, who is sub- " ject to the incidental distempers and imperfec- " tions of mankind; and who nevertheless controls