82 " cated that prophets must be right., any body who " chose could set up the pretension of being one; " as silly men will always be found to follow him, " saying: * His reason is superior to ours, which is " not equal to such things.' Hence have arisen '* among the Muselmans and other nations so many 'c creeds and doctrines, as well as practices without " number. ** Another defect is that, when the religion of one 66 prophet has been adopted, and when his rule has " been followed in the knowledge and worship of *' God, after a certain time another prophet arises, " who prescribes another religion to the people. " Hence they become perplexed, and know not " whether the former prophet was a liar, or whe- * * ther they ought to conclude that in each period " mankind is to alter the law according to circum- " stances. But the knowledge of truth admits no " contradiction; yet there exists a great number of " contradictions in the four sacred books: * hence " it appears that, in the first times, the true God has " not made himself known, and that the first creed " with respect to him had been wrong ; thus, in " the second book, something else is said, and in " like manner in the third and in the fourth. " In the sequel it became evident to wise men, *' that emancipation is to be obtained only by the 1 The Pentateuch, the Psalter, the Gospel, and the Koran.