98 which are: sacrifice of property, life, reputation, and religion. The command of the llahi, "divine," faith means that, in case of an indispensable conflict, if one does not sacrifice all he possesses, he must renounce these four degrees. Further, it is the divine com- mand, that one may relinquish something of the four degrees, but never make an abandonment of his God. The Emperor further said, that one thousand years have elapsed since the beginning of Muham- med's mission, and that this was the extent of the duration of this religion, now arrived at its term. Another of his ordinances abolished absolutely the obligation of bathing after pollution by spermatic emission. The sages said that the most exquisite and best part of a man is mani, u sperm," and that the seed of creation is pure. What sense is there that, after the common natural secretions bathing be not required, whilst the release of a quantity of delicate matter is subject to an entire ablution ? Yet it is suit- able to bathe before indulging sexual propensity. It is equally absurd to prepare food for the spirit of a corpse, which then belongs to minerals : what sense is there in it? Yet the birth-day of a person is justly made a great festival, and called " theban- " quet of life." Moreover, when one's soul has at- tained the full knowledge of the primitive cause, and has left its mortal garment, this day also is devoted to rejoicing, and named " the day of union."