114 other diviners who paid attention to combs. It is said that, when this conqueror of the world fell into the hands of his enemies, he recovered his liberty by die assistance of Amir Shir Khan, who, having given him a mare of Kirang, enabled him to join his men, who had already despaired of his life. Tuli Khan, who was then in his infancy, said one day: " My father, sitting upon a mare of Kirang, is com- 4C ing near." On this very day, the Khan returned in that manner to his camp. When the Turks saw the wonders of his acts, they opened freely the road of their affection to him. Such was his justice and equity, that in his army nobody was bold enough to take up a whip thrown on the road, except the proprietor of it; lying and thieving were unknown in his camp. Every woman among the Khorasa- nian, who had a husband living, had no attempt upon her person to fear. Thus we read in the Tabkat Nds'eri, " the degrees of Nas'er,"' that when Malik Tdj~ed din, surnamed the King of Ghor, re- 1 This is a work of Nas'er eddin Tusi (about whom, see vol. II. p. 417, note 2, and p. 449). He was the favorite minister of Hulagu Khan, whose arms he had successfully directed against Baghdad and the Khalif. The Khan, after his conquests, took up his residence at Maragha, in Aderbigan; there he assembled philosophers and astronomers to culti- vate science, under the direction of Nas'er eddin. In our days the place is still shown where the observatory of this astronomer was situated, and where he compiled the astronomic tables, known under the name of Jal-khanm'.