121 Upon the whole : as long as the Sultans of the Moghuis preserved ihe worship of the stars, they conquered the inhabitants of the world; but, as soon as they abandoned it^ they lost many coun- tries, and those which they kept were without value and strength.1 SECTION IV. — UPON THE SAYINGS OF HIS MAJESTY (AKBAR), DWELLING IN THE SEVENTH HEAVEN. First, the ordinances of conduct which theNawab, the wise and learned Shaikh Abu 1 Fazil wrote, with the pen of accuracy, by orders of his Majesty, dwelling in heaven, in order that the governors of the countries occupied by his sovereignty, and the clerks, may pay attention to their execution. This is " God is great;" this is the patent of the Ilahi faith: and the ordinances of conduct are a work of instruction, which sprung from the fountain of benevolence, and the mine of kindness of sovereignty, 1 The duration of Jangis Khan's dynasty reckoned from the -year of the Hejira 599 (A. D. 1202) extended by fourteen princes to 736 (A. B. 1335), comprising 137 lunar, 133 solar, years. It does not appear that change of religion, by itself, had any influence upon the decline and fall of this dynasty.