126 for men are excessively weak, and those who are of a mean origin and depraved, have no inclination to speak truth, hut choose to submit to every sort of abjectness. He who is of a good disposition is cau- tious that nothing in his speech may be disagree- able to the ears of his master, and that he may not incur disgrace. But the man of noble sentiments, who prefers his own loss to the advantage of others, possesses the science of the philosopher's stone. Administrators ought not to be fond of flattery, as many affairs are left undone on account of flat- terers ; nor ought they, on the other hand, to ill treat those who are not flatterers, as a servant may also be obliged to say unpleasing things. The judges should attend personally, as much as possible, to the examination of the plaintiff (verse of SAdi): '* Throw not his complaint to the divan (tribunal), " As he may possibly have to complain of the divan itself." The plaintiffs ought to be examined in the order in which their names are inscribed on the list, in order that he who came first may not be subject to the inconvenience of waiting. The disposal of pre- cedence or delay is not to rest with the first regis- trars of the court. If a person be accused of acting criminally, the judges ought not to precipitate his punishment; for there are many eloquent slander- ers, and few well-intentioned speakers of what is