145 deeds of wonderful purity proceed from them; and In this production there is no need of a motion, nor of an instrument, in like manner as in the forth- coming of a work of God his will is sufficient. This meaning has been made intelligible to the under- standing of the vulgar by saying, that an angel with feathered wings traversed the distance of a road which could not be travelled over in a thousand years. They say also that Israfil is one of the powers of the sun; the angel of death proceeds from Saturn; Mikail from the moon; and Jebriil emanated from the tenth power of intelligence. As often as, on account of the revolution of the heavens or the mo- tion of the stars, something suitable manifests itself in the elemental matter, compounded and uncom- pounded, it issues into existence by way of emana- tion from the superior wisdom; and the revelation of the prophet, and the instruction of the perfect to mankind, takes place by the intervention of the last- mentioned angel. On that account there is an in- trinsic connexion between the souls of the prophets and this by-standing angel. According to the Eas- tern philosophers, Jabriil is a god of a kind similar to human nature, and called in Persian Wakhshur, " prophet/' and Serosh pajdm sipdr, " Serosh, the " message-bringer." In the opinion of the philo- sophers, the crystalline heaven is the ninth heaven, and the heaven of the fixed stars the throne of God. 10