155 UPON THE ANGELS OF PUNISHMENT. — It is tO be known, that there are seven rulers of the world over the seven stars which revolve within the twelve signs of the zodiac; seven and twelve make nineteen, and over these nineteen rulers, that Is, managers of the world, are other nineteen inspectors. In the space of the nether earth are seven powers of vege- tation, viz.: that of nourishment, watering, birth, retention, attraction, mildness, and repulsion. There are twelve powers of animal life, viz.: five exjernal, five internal senses, and two powers of movement, namely, lust and anger. Mankind, as long as they remain in prison beneath the heaven of the moon, and not severed from sensuality and its ties, is indispensably and continually subject to the impressions of the upper and nether rulers, and to sufferings; but if it rids itself of these conditions, it enjoys freedom in this and in the other world. Nakir and Monkir point to our praise-worthy or blameable conduct. The body is a tomb, and so is the belly of the mother, and the interior part of the heaven of the moon. AN ACCOUNT OF THE PAGES OF HUMAN ACTIONS AND THEIR RECORDERS ; AND OF THE DESCENT OF ANGELS AND DEMONS TO THE GOOD AND THE WlCKED. Know that, of every speech or action which is