154 said or done, a mark is made by them; and when, in any one of them a repetition occurs, the mark becomes permanent, as it may be assimilated to what takes place in acquiring a knowledge or learning an art. As the marks of good and bad actions of man- kind are determined, so every body shares accord- ingly pleasure or pain. Words or deeds, one by one, being revealed and described, establish convic- tion ; so that disavowal becomes impossible. This is the office of two recorders, the one of whom stands to the right and the other to the left; what- ever of one's speeches and actions is praise-worthy, this is called " angelic ;" and whatever is blaineable is named " satanic," This is what the prophet of Arabia said: " From goodness arises an Angel, from u badness a Satan.79 The balance typifies the rule of justice in the retribution of conduct, so that there may not be any disparity; the basins of the balance contain the good and bad actions; if the basin of the first descends heavy, everlasting heaven is bestowed; if it ascend light, hell. " He whose weight is heavy, shall be admitted to a delightful life; " and he whose weight is light, shall fall into hell." Praiseworthy speeches and actions are the pro- perties of dignity, steadfastness and peace of mind; blameable words and deeds belong to perturbation, doubt, and want of conviction; he who acquires composure and dignity of mind, obtains the grace