155 of God; this grace is the treasurer of paradise, who is Razvan, " the porter of heaven;" but doubt and perturbation are the leaders to misfortune and to disdain; and disdain is the treasurer of hell, who is called Malik, " the keeper of hell." AN ACCOUNT OF MOUNTAINS AND SEAS, AND OF WHAT OCCURS UPON THE EARTH OF THE LAST JUDGMENT. It should be known, that a mountain can be the emblem of a body, which is as overgrown with wool, and the seas can signify the elements; or it may be proper to call the mountains " elements, which are ** opaque/' and the seas " the skies/' Besides, from a mountain, bodies can be desired; as it may be the station of angels, and from the sea angels proceed. Attempting to investigate the nature of God we meet with a veil, and this veil is darkness. The only light we find is, that whoever travels over the stages of materiality and spirituality, attains rest in the seat of purity, " Near the mighty King." The veils of darkness are like colored wool raised up. " The mountains shall become like carded >vool of various colors 44 driven by the wind." * 1 Koran, chap. CI. v, 4,