157 niuuity enjoys; milk is the cause of nourishment in early infancy, and is more excellent than water; because, although its use be at times salutary for alJ9 yet, in different circumstances, it is not so for all. Rivers of milk signify rivers of knowledge for noble persons; they proceed from the origin and develop- ment of sciences, and from these rivers is derived the enjoyment of the celestial beings, whose state may be compared to that of infancy. Honey is the cause of recovery to the sick and afflicted, and is more excellent than milk, because its advantage is reserved to a certain number only; and rivers of honey in heaven are emblematical of rivers of noble sciences; and the enjoyment of the select in heaven is derived from these rivers. Wine is the cause of the removal of terror, and fear, and sadness; and is more excellent than honey, because it is prohibited to the people of the world, and permitted and lega} to the inhabitants of heaven; and it is a purifying draught of the water of Paradise: " Their lord made them drink a purifying beverage." And rivers of wine in heaven signify rivers of know- ledge, for the nobles, among noble personages, and their enjoyment in heaven is derived from these rivers: " There will be rivers of limpid water, and rivers of milk, "The savor of which shall not be altered; rivers of wine " Will be a delight to those who drink of them; " And there will be rivers of purified honey."