160 had before; because each time they meet with the beginning of a new meaning, finer than the former, although they obtain these objects before their death. It has been stated by some sages that, when they were intent upon some high undertaking, they declared after its conclusion: " How can empe- ^ rors and their sons enjoy such a happiness, " which is still to be increased when all impedi- 44 nients will be removed." Know, men attached to exterior evidence said, that whatever is commonly believed of the last judgment, and what is connected with the soul of the world, implies nothing else but that, from the time when the Almighty God brought forth out of nothingness into existence, the heavens, the stars, the material bodies, the three kingdoms of nature, and the essences, the duration of the world shall extend to that period when he will again plunge the whole into non-existence, and this shall be " the other world." The learned say besides, that the composition of the human body, and its conjunction with the soul, make but one period of time, although birth and life appear two distinct periods ; the one comprising the sensible and perceptible world, the other the ra- tional and intellectual world: for " Whoever is not born twice, shall not enter at the same time into the "kingdom of heaven and that of the earth." * 1 This seems an incorrect quotation from St. John's Gospel, chapter III.