162 And the earth changed into another, k< One day we shall change this earth into another earth." And after this change the earth and heaven will be annihilated; the earth will be like pure silver, and upon this earth no sin whatever will be committed : in all this, the day of resurrection, heaven, and hell are rendered present. As to what is asserted that this earth wrill be changed into another—the Orien- tals say, this is meant to relate to a vision which is called the region of symbolic truth. And the ren- dering present heaven and hell; this also refers to an attribution of good and bad. Whoever assumes the form of Hur or Kasur, serpent or scorpion, is rendered happy or miserable. As to the transmuta- tion of the earth—this needs no interpretation: what wonder is it that the culture of a region passes into that of another country; and the passage from the region of the sensible into that of allegory is evi- dent in the transformation of the folded heavens. It has also been maintained that " the book of God" is one thing, and cc the word of God" another : because the word is derived from the world1 of commands, which has its purport from the invisible and rational world; whilst the book is from the world of creatures; that is, the material world; the 1 The word dalem, " world," has here (as it occurs with the corres- ponding Sanskrit word loka] the meaning of state, *' condition."