167 The book of God signifies knowledge. As to the last judgment and the resurrection of bodies, intel- ligent men said, that each atom of the atoms of a human body? which are dispersed, will be all col- lected on the day of resurrection, and restored to life, and at this hour there will be no question put about any thing done, but what is come to us from the prophets and saints, this we must believe. The learned say besides, that the question is here about the soul, which on the day of resurrection returns (to its origin), and this substance is pure, and does not require to be suitable to any dimension, color, or place, but is independent of all these, and on that account fit for sciences and knowledge of all things; its extreme excellence is to be able to collect for review all things from the first origin to the last extremity, and to know that whenever it attains that degree of perfection, it has returned to the place of its origin; and this is the knowledge of purity, which is remote from the defilement and mixture of what is material. The learned assert be- sides, that the night of power, " the night on ^hich " the Koran was sent down," refers to the be- ginning, and the day of resurrection to the place to which one returns ; because the nature of night is to conceal things of which few may have in- formation, and the nature of day is to bring to view things of which all may take notice. Further,