SECTION II.—OF THE REPUTATION AND THE TRUTH OF THE PROPHETIC DlGNlTY. Know that, when individuals of mankind want to associate in the concerns of life, they find it in- dispensable to have recourse to customs, regula- tions, and religious faith, in order that they may be concordant, and that oppression may be ex- cluded from their transactions and associations, and the order of the world preserved. It is requisite to refer the customs and regulations to God, and to proclaim that they proceed from God, in order that all may adopt them. On that account the ne- cessity of theology and of a prophetic mission became evident, in order that the institutes for the govern- ment of the creatures may be established, and, by means of mildness and severity, men might be in- duced to be concordant, and the different conditions of the world arranged. And such an institutor is named " illustrious sage;" his precepts are likewise celebrated; among the eminent moderns, his title is that of " prophet," or " legislator," and that of his precepts <<; the law." But his deputy, who is a judge, ought to be a person distinguished by divine grace, that he may promote the instruction and ar- range the affairs of mankind; such a man is called by the wise " an universal ruler," and his precepts are entitled " the practice of the empire;" the mo-