184 " (Jerusalem); and as I entered it, a person came to " me, and gave me three cups—the one of wine, " the second of water, and the other, of milk. 1 ' ' wished to take that of wine, but Jabriil forbade it, " and pointed to that of milk, which 1 took and " drank:" the meaning of this is: When I freed myself from sensuality, and knew the state of ima- gination and deception, and resolved in myself to enter the world of spirits, then I saw three spirits in the house.of sanctity—the one was that of animal life, the second that of nature, and the other that of rationality. I wished to proceed on the footsteps of brutishness, and compared it to wine, the power of which is seducing, clouding, and ignorance-in- creasing, like passion and lust, and wine is the darkener of the two other powers. And he com- pared nature to water, because from it is derived the support and stability of a person, and man depends upon the temperament of the agents which act in the body;' water is also the vital strength of ani- 1 This obscure passage appears to allude to a glose found in the Desatir, English transl., p. 183. After having said that there are four elements, the Commentator subjoins: " The water is of the shap6 of a " ball, the half of which being broken, is filled with water, so that the " water and earth together compose one ball. And as the elements '* penetrate into and affect each other, a sort of middle nature is pro- " duced, which is called constitution or temperament. If a body that " is united with a temperament has the probability ^of subsisting for a " protracted time, and of retaining its compound substance, it is called " ' permanent,' or * perfect;' if not, ' imperfect/ or ' wanting perma-