188 What the prophet said: " When I arrived into " the third heaven,' I there saw an Angel, equal to u whom in excellence and heauty I had seen none; 64 placid and joyful, he was seated upon a throne; " and a circle of angelic effulgency was diffused " about him." This was the heaven of Venus, and it is not necessary to comment*its beauty: it de- notes gladness and festivity/' Further: " When I entered the fourth heaven,2 * * I there saw an Angel, surrounded with royal pomp, " seated upon a throne of light; I made my obei- 6* sance, to which he replied with entire haughti- " ness, and, from pride and majesty, he bestowed " neither word nor smile upon any body about " him. When he answered my salute, he said: " c 0 Muhammed, I see all things and riches in " *" thee: glory and happiness to thee/ " That is, ** the fourth heaven/' the residence ofic this angel," means the sun;" he represents the conditions of kings and great personages; his *' smile " is his influ- ence upon good fortune;" and his "congratulation" signifies his bounty for any body's prosperity. '' In continuation: When I arrived at, and entered, •" the fifth heaven,3 I happened to have a view of " hell; and I saw a black region, and, on its bor~ 1 In the third heaven was Joseph, the ideal of beauty. 2 In the fourth heaven was Idris (Enoch). 3 In the fifth heaven resided Aaron.