202 ' . ' the furthermost stretch and connection of beings, and the utmost term of completion, consist in this, that knowledge, may become manifest in the whole by generalities and particularities, so that nothing may remain deficient In any degree of power. When- ever this matter Is settled, then the moon in their language signifies a mixed light,with this property, that it brings into action all the knowledge hidden in its efficacy, and by means of the reflection of rays elicits perfection. Whoever is well founded in these notions acquires the faculty that all sciences, whatsoever they may be, come forth from him. It is then the moon which signifies mixed light, and the rending asunder of it means the arising of sciences and excellence, and their manifestation; that is, bringing forth all that is within, by means of breaking its exterior form. As to fixing the seal of the prophetic office, and to completing the apostleship, so that after the pro- phet of Arabia no other may appear, they said what follows: The seal of the prophetic office means the acquisition of dkl fad, " superior wisdom;" that is: whoever obtains it, and makes the proper use of it, possesses the seal of the prophetic office: because the first prophetic dignity is his intelligence, which is the real (intrinsic) Adam,** man." The prophetic seal is the tenth rank of intelligences,1 and that 1 Sec page 143 of this volume.