Turks, and Arabs, and such people, were promoting the establishment of a sort of knowledge and of some sorts of sciences; the philosophers, exerting themselves by the aid of the reasoning faculty, be- come founders of theoretical schools, and also lend their assistance with respect to theology. The scope of an Hakim is, that his reason may direct its labo- rious efforts towards all quarters, and, inasmuch as may be in its power, to bear a resemblance to the Lord God, the self-existent Being. The utmost endeavor of the prophets is, that the order of the world may be evident to them, so that they may, according to this order, arrange the affairs of so- ciety. But this order of affairs cannot be exempt from the excitement of desire, terror, and dubi- ousness ; although, certainly, whatever the mas- ters of law and religion have combined into a sys- tem, may be explained by what certain eminent philosophers have exhibited. Among other things it is said, that the world is very ancient, and its eternity without beginning and end indubitable. In the sequel, a learned Hakim raises pretensions to inspiration, excites others to the adoption of a creed which he endeavors to render lirm. But Hakim Kamzan assented to no inspiration, he said:—In ancient times, sages established customs and regula- tions for the order of the world, and, as long as the inhabitants conformed to them, there was not the