215 he is represented in all these books, he is not unlike a man who does not know himself, and at each time gives an account of himself, which he varies, and of which he repents. If they say, the real sense is the same, the figurative expression and interpretation only change, it is not less evident, that the books and the prophets have been sent for the purpose of leading men to God, and not to instigate them to rebel; or, after having proclaimed his word, to com- bat each other by controversy. He commands the sacrifice of their blood and property for the common good. And if they say, the servants cannot disagree about the knowledge of God, why then is it written in the books that they must know him in that, and in no other way? and why do we perceive such a contradiction in the deeds, and frequently in the words, of the celebrated prophets? The intelligent man can no longer recognise them by their noble actions. Somebody said to the Hakim Kamran: " Give me ic in substance the belief of the Sonnites and the 4< Shiahs." He replied : " The creed of the Son- " nites is, after the praise of God the most high, and " the attributes of the prophet, blessing and mercy " of God upon all transgressors and sinners, men, " and women; and the creed of the Shiahs is after u the praise of God, and the attributes of the pro- " phet, the curse of God upon all believers, men