222 the sovereign being, according to their degrees and stations,' but the real Being, under the condition of no substance whatever, is distinguished by the name martibah-ahadiyat,2 " degree of unity," and all names and attributes are (as it were) consumed by this degree, which the Yogis express by the title hakiket d hakayek,* a reality of realities." But the real Being, under the condition of all things which are necessarily himself, according to generalities and specialities, is called by names and attributes of the divine degree, and this degree is entitled Vahedet-i- mokam,4 " solitariness of station/'and jamaft,5 " uni- " on." The real Being, under no condition of " a " thing" (shi),6 and under no condition of "nothing" (Jds/ii),7 is called huviyat,8 " essence, absolute being, *' objectivity,'' and it is manifesting itself9 in all exist- 3 %« liiarl vJU&Jia,. Lft 4 *\JL» v •c^.. a substantive formed from js 9 hu, ** he is" (Yahu Yehovah). 9 I interpret in this place the word sdn' in the sense which is given to it by the commentator of the Gulshen Raz, in a passage of that work which will be quoted hereafter.