257 sagacious declare: Pharaoh was worthy of the name of God, and In him the establishment of divinity gained predominance, as well as in Moses the esta- blishment of divine mission. On that account the lord Imam of the professors of divine unity, the Shaikh Jf ahi-eddin gave in several of his compositions the proof of Pharaoh's faith, and declared him to be a worthy object of veneration, as well as Moses. It is said also, that the land of Arafat * signifies the land, which is sought by those who made a vow, and conceived the desire, of pilgrimage, and with their face turned towards this land, with the utmost effort and endeavor proceed upon their way and journey; if in this country they meet with the day of Arirfah, that is, " the ninth day of the moon," and accomplish the pilgrimage, they are then con- sidered as having become pilgrims, and to have 1 Arafat is a mountain not far from Mecca. Muhammedans be- lieve that Adam and Eve, having been, separated to perform penance, searched for each other during a hundred and twenty or two hundred years, until at last they met again upon the mountain Arafah, the name of which is derived from the Arabian verb " to know " This is one of the etymologies of this name; I omit others relating to Abra- ham (see D'Ohsson, t. II. pp. 80-86). This mountain, in the pilgrim- age to Mecca, is one of the principal sacred stations, which the pilgrims cannot enter without having taken the Ihhram, or " penitential veil," on the first day of the moon Zilhajah (the last of the Arabian year); on the 9th day of the same month, called also yum-Arafak, " the day of know- 4£ ledge," they arrive at Arafah, where they perform their devotions until after sunset, and then proceed to Mecca to execute the sacred rites men- tioned pp. 408-409, note 2. v. in. 17