260 • signifies respect to divine commands, Kerdt, chant- ing (the Koran or prayers), is perusing the divine signets upon the tables of fate, preserved in the heart by means of the interpretation of the tongue, and the renewal of information upon the boundaries of commanded and prohibited things. Rukud, '•" bowing the head with the hands upon the knees,'' represents the state of resignation and submission* Sajtid, " prostration,"1 indicates investigation of the divine Being, and dismissal of all pretension. Tash- ahhud9 " ritual profession of religion/' refers to the state of resignation and humility. To sit down and to stand up before God five times means understanding and appreciating the five majesties, which are : divinity, grandeur, dominion, *power, and love of humanity. Two rikdts,~ " attitudes of devotion in " high! God most high! praises belong to God. — (D'Ohsson, vol. II. p. 77). 1 The prostration is made with the face to the earth, that is, the knees, toes, hands, nose, and forehead touching the ground. During the pros- tration the taftbir is recited. 2 Several prescribed attitudes and practices constitute the namaz, or " prayer:"—!. The Muselman stands upright, his hands raised to the head, the fingers separated, and the thumbs applied to the inferior part of the ears; 2. he places his hands joined upon the navel; 3. bows the upper part of his body, and, the hands upon his knees, keeps it horizon- tally inclined; 4. places himself in the second attitude; 5. prostrates himself as described in the preceding note; 6. raises the upper part of his body, and, kneeling, sits upon his legs, the hands placed upon his thighs ; 7. makes a second prostration; 8 rises, and stands as in the second atti- tude. These eight attitudes, during which he recites several times the